Specialties: machine learning, evolutionary computation, and information systems
Ali Asghar Heidari (https://aliasgharheidari.com) is currently an Exceptionally Talented Researcher with the School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS), and University of Tehran. He is also a guest researcher at Oxford Brookes University. He is also an Elite Researcher of Iran’s National Elites Foundation (INEF). He studied information systems as an outstanding student, ranked one in all classes, with several awards from the College of Engineering, University of Tehran.
He was awarded and recognized by Iran’s National Elites Foundation (INEF). He has been recognized by (publons.com/a/1397783) as the top 1% peer reviewer in computer science and cross-field. He ranked among the world’s top 2% scientists list of Stanford University and top scientists for Computer science prepared by Guide2Research (https://www.guide2research.com/scientists) as an outstanding researcher with an impressive record of cooperation on many international research projects with different top researchers from the optimization and artificial intelligence community.
He has authored more than 110 research articles with over 6300 citations (i10-index of 74 and H-index of 44) in prestigious international journals, such as IEEE internet of thing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Information Fusion, Information Sciences, Future Generation Computer Systems, Renewable, and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy, Cleaner Production, Energy Reports, Energy Conversion and Management, Applied Soft Computing, Knowledge-Based Systems, IEEE Access, and Expert Systems with Applications. He has several highly cited and hot cited articles. His research interests include performance optimization, advanced machine learning, evolutionary computation, optimization, prediction, solar energy, information systems, and mathematical modeling. Heidari also serves as an active ad hoc reviewer and has reviewed more than 350 ISI papers for top journals that he published on them. He was the second top reviewer and “outstanding reviewer” of applied soft computing journal in 2018.
He is an active full-time project leader, author, developer, and manager interested in international collaboration, writing, designing, optimizing, and developing different algorithms for information systems. He also develops advanced graphic works and infographics for the scientific community, as his curiosity for free time.